
Baja Mission

Since being founded in 1966, the mission in Vicente Guerrero has grown tremendously with the need and as God places different tasks on His servant's hearts. In gratitude of the great blessings given to the various ministries onsite, the focus and the heartbeat of our mission will always be found in the children of our home.

Our family currently has over seventy kids, coming from a wide variety of difficult backgrounds and conditions. The home serves as a refuge for these children, restoring them and extending to them the dignity and respect they deserve. Each house is equipped with devoted house parents who build up, mentor and encourage each one of the kids in their care. Their most important job is showing them the love of God.

Take special note of the soaring tree that greets our guests from the center of our property. It serves for us on the mission as a special promise from God that reflects our daily goal here. These children come to us as tiny seeds in need of great care. When we plant them in a reliable home and root them in God's love, they will grow. When we water them with spiritual growth, a solid education, and vast opportunities to discover and expand their gifts, they will thrive. We know they will find His prosperous plans for their lives and flourish up out of the orphanage and cast their shadow over Mexico, even taller than this tree, and be a grand testament of Jesus to the entire world.


Oaxaca Mission

Located in southern Mexico, the land of Oaxaca (wah-hah- kah) is ruggedly beautiful and its people are rich in culture and diversity.  The state of Oaxaca, however, is one of the economically poorest in Mexico and suffers from a lack of adequate infrastructure and decreased education rates. Our mission in Oaxaca was established in 1999 with a vision to assist our missionaries and continue the vision of reaching the people of Mexico.  The children’s home in Tlacolula (45 minutes southeast of the capital) is a beautiful facility which is able to accommodate up to 90 children and young adults.

Sinaloa Visitor Center

Our team in Sinaloa visits the migrant camps surrounding the city weekly where they have the chance to share the Gospel with the 250,000 field workers who come from all over the country of Mexico looking for work. Because we have nearly completed the construction of a two story dorm they are now able to host Spanish speaking teams at this location.

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Tijuana Mission

Our new children’s home will open in 2021. Formerly the home of our students studying at University or trade school, it will house 20 girls currently living in a government shelter in Tijuana.

Our students are relocating to apartments where they will have the opportunity to experience semi-independent living as they prepare for adulthood. Our apartments will also provide teens entering adulthood from our homes who choose not to pursue advanced training with the opportunity to work in Tijuana and develop their vocations under a supervised and secure environment.